We present hierarchical policy blending as optimal transport (HiPBOT). This hierarchical framework adapts the weights of low-level reactive expert policies, adding a look-ahead planning layer on the parameter space of a product of expert policies and agents. Our high-level planner realizes a policy blending via unbalanced optimal transport, consolidating the scaling of underlying Riemannian motion policies, effectively adjusting their Riemannian matrix, and deciding over the priorities between experts and agents, guaranteeing safety and task success. Our experimental results in a range of application scenarios from low-dimensional navigation to high-dimensional whole-body control showcase the efficacy and efficiency of HiPBOT, which outperforms state-of-the-art baselines that either perform probabilistic inference or define a tree structure of experts, paving the way for new applications of optimal transport to robot control. More material at https://sites.google.com/view/hipobot
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最近的人工智能(AI)算法已在各种医学分类任务上实现了放射科医生级的性能。但是,只有少数研究涉及CXR扫描异常发现的定位,这对于向放射学家解释图像级分类至关重要。我们在本文中介绍了一个名为Vindr-CXR的可解释的深度学习系统,该系统可以将CXR扫描分类为多种胸部疾病,同时将大多数类型的关键发现本地化在图像上。 Vindr-CXR接受了51,485次CXR扫描的培训,并通过放射科医生提供的边界盒注释进行了培训。它表现出与经验丰富的放射科医生相当的表现,可以在3,000张CXR扫描的回顾性验证集上对6种常见的胸部疾病进行分类,而在接收器操作特征曲线(AUROC)下的平均面积为0.967(95%置信区间[CI]:0.958---------0.958------- 0.975)。 VINDR-CXR在独立患者队列中也得到了外部验证,并显示出其稳健性。对于具有14种类型病变的本地化任务,我们的自由响应接收器操作特征(FROC)分析表明,VINDR-CXR以每扫描确定的1.0假阳性病变的速率达到80.2%的敏感性。还进行了一项前瞻性研究,以衡量VINDR-CXR在协助六名经验丰富的放射科医生方面的临床影响。结果表明,当用作诊断工具时,提出的系统显着改善了放射科医生本身之间的一致性,平均Fleiss的Kappa的同意增加了1.5%。我们还观察到,在放射科医生咨询了Vindr-CXR的建议之后,在平均Cohen的Kappa中,它们和系统之间的一致性显着增加了3.3%。
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在本文中,我们关注将基于能量的模型(EBM)作为运动优化的指导先验的问题。 EBM是一组神经网络,可以用合适的能量函数参数为参数的GIBBS分布来表示表达概率密度分布。由于其隐含性,它们可以轻松地作为优化因素或运动优化问题中的初始采样分布整合在一起,从而使它们成为良好的候选者,以将数据驱动的先验集成在运动优化问题中。在这项工作中,我们提出了一组所需的建模和算法选择,以使EBMS适应运动优化。我们调查了将其他正规化器在学习EBM中的好处,以将它们与基于梯度的优化器一起使用,并提供一组EBM架构,以学习用于操纵任务的可通用分布。我们提出了多种情况,可以将EBM集成以进行运动优化,并评估学到的EBM的性能,以指导模拟和真实机器人实验的指导先验。
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Very few eXplainable AI (XAI) studies consider how users understanding of explanations might change depending on whether they know more or less about the to be explained domain (i.e., whether they differ in their expertise). Yet, expertise is a critical facet of most high stakes, human decision making (e.g., understanding how a trainee doctor differs from an experienced consultant). Accordingly, this paper reports a novel, user study (N=96) on how peoples expertise in a domain affects their understanding of post-hoc explanations by example for a deep-learning, black box classifier. The results show that peoples understanding of explanations for correct and incorrect classifications changes dramatically, on several dimensions (e.g., response times, perceptions of correctness and helpfulness), when the image-based domain considered is familiar (i.e., MNIST) as opposed to unfamiliar (i.e., Kannada MNIST). The wider implications of these new findings for XAI strategies are discussed.
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Despite the huge advancement in knowledge discovery and data mining techniques, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis process has mostly remained untouched and still involves manual investigation, comparison, and verification. Due to the large volume of XRD samples from high-throughput XRD experiments, it has become impossible for domain scientists to process them manually. Recently, they have started leveraging standard clustering techniques, to reduce the XRD pattern representations requiring manual efforts for labeling and verification. Nevertheless, these standard clustering techniques do not handle problem-specific aspects such as peak shifting, adjacent peaks, background noise, and mixed phases; hence, resulting in incorrect composition-phase diagrams that complicate further steps. Here, we leverage data mining techniques along with domain expertise to handle these issues. In this paper, we introduce an incremental phase mapping approach based on binary peak representations using a new threshold based fuzzy dissimilarity measure. The proposed approach first applies an incremental phase computation algorithm on discrete binary peak representation of XRD samples, followed by hierarchical clustering or manual merging of similar pure phases to obtain the final composition-phase diagram. We evaluate our method on the composition space of two ternary alloy systems- Co-Ni-Ta and Co-Ti-Ta. Our results are verified by domain scientists and closely resembles the manually computed ground-truth composition-phase diagrams. The proposed approach takes us closer towards achieving the goal of complete end-to-end automated XRD analysis.
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The sentiment analysis task has various applications in practice. In the sentiment analysis task, words and phrases that represent positive and negative emotions are important. Finding out the words that represent the emotion from the text can improve the performance of the classification models for the sentiment analysis task. In this paper, we propose a methodology that combines the emotion lexicon with the classification model to enhance the accuracy of the models. Our experimental results show that the emotion lexicon combined with the classification model improves the performance of models.
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人类机器人相互作用(HRI)对于在日常生活中广泛使用机器人至关重要。机器人最终将能够通过有效的社会互动来履行人类文明的各种职责。创建直接且易于理解的界面,以与机器人开始在个人工作区中扩散时与机器人互动至关重要。通常,与模拟机器人的交互显示在屏幕上。虚拟现实(VR)是一个更具吸引力的替代方法,它为视觉提示提供了更像现实世界中看到的线索。在这项研究中,我们介绍了Jubileo,这是一种机器人的动画面孔,并使用人类机器人社会互动领域的各种研究和应用开发工具。Jubileo Project不仅提供功能齐全的开源物理机器人。它还提供了一个全面的框架,可以通过VR接口进行操作,从而为HRI应用程序测试带来沉浸式环境,并明显更好地部署速度。
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自我监督的学习允许AI系统使用不需要昂贵的标签的任务从大量数据中学习有效表示。模式崩溃,即为所有输入产生相同表示形式的模型,是许多自我监督学习方法的核心问题,可以使自我监督任务(例如匹配输入的变形变体)无效。在本文中,我们认为,同一输入的替代潜在表示之间信息最大化的直接应用自然解决了崩溃问题并实现了竞争性的经验结果。我们提出了一种自我监督的学习方法Corinfomax,该方法使用了基于二阶统计的共同信息度量,以反映其参数之间的相关性水平。在同一输入的替代表示之间最大化此相关信息度量有两个目的:(1)它通过生成具有非脱位协方差的特征向量来避免崩溃问题; (2)通过增加它们之间的线性依赖性,它在替代表示之间建立了相关性。提出的信息最大化客观的近似简化为基于欧几里得距离的目标函数,该目标函数由特征协方差矩阵的对数确定因素正规化。正则术语是针对特征空间退化的自然障碍。因此,除了避免完全输出崩溃到一个点外,提出的方法还通过鼓励信息在整个特征空间中的传播来防止尺寸崩溃。数值实验表明,相对于最先进的SSL方法,Corinfomax取得更好或竞争性的性能结果。
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